VCP6-CMA Section 4 - vBrownBagEMEA

• Craig


Last week I had the pleasure of presenting section 4 of the VCP6-CMA exam blueprint on #vBrownBagEMEA. Not only was this my first #vBrownBag session, it was the first time I’d presented to an unknown audience.

Having never done anything like this before I was quite apprehensive. There are a lot of external factors that you rely on. Reliable audio equipment, a good internet connection and not to mention somehow trying to keep the live demo gods happy. But the main thing I had to keep in mind is that you don’t learn by wishing that you’d done something, you learn by doing and making mistakes.

Luckily everything went swimmingly and there were no technical issues. Whilst it was far from perfect, It was great fun  and I will take the experience as a foundation to build on for future presentations.

So far we have seen presentations covering, sections one, two, four.

  • Section 1: Install, Configure and Upgrade vRealize Suite Components (@fbuechsel)

  • Section 2: Administer vRealize Automation Users, Roles and Privileges (@sammcgeown)

  • Section 4: Configure and Administer Tenants and Business Groups (me)

Next up is section five, Allocate and Manage vRealize Automation Reseouces, which will be presented by Xtravirt’s Matthew Bunce (@virtualisedgeek) and ITQ’s Marco van Baggum (@vMBaggum).

Don’t forget to register for future sessions here.

Many thanks to team #vBrownBagEMEA!