Managing local vRA users with PowervRA
• Craig
One of the current limitations with vRA7 is that once a local user has been created it can’t be modified.
Since v1.20 PowervRA has provided ability to interact with local user principals by using the following set of functions:
- Get-vRAUserPrincipal
- Set-vRAUserPrincipal
- New-vRAUserPrincipal
- Remove-vRAUserPrincipal
In this post, i’m going to concentrate on Set-vRAUserPrincipal. The function enables you to configure the following attributes of a local user principal:
- FirstName
- LastName
- EmailAddress
- Description
- Password
You can also enable and disable an account with the *DisableAccount
and EnableAccount
switch parameters.
Here are some examples:
Modify account attributes
Set-vRAUserPrincipal -Id user@vsphere.local -FirstName FirstName-Updated -LastName LastName-Updated -EmailAddress userupdated@vsphere.local -Description Description-Updated
Enable and disable an account
Set-vRAUserPrincipal -Id user@vsphere.local -EnableAccount
Set-vRAUserPrincipal -Id user@vsphere.local -DisableAccount
Reset the password of an account
Set-vRAUserPrincipal -Id user@vsphere.local -Password s3cur3p@ss!
As always, make sure you test any new commands against your D&T environment first!
If you want to contribute a new function or have ideas/improvements head over to our github page and let us know!