PowervRA v1.5.0 - Improved support for the content-mangaement-service API
• Craig
With the release of PowervRA v1.5.0 we now have richer support for the content-management-service API. We’ve included some new functionality for viewing content and adjusted the naming scheme of some existing functions.
The content-management-service set now includes:
- Get-vRAContent
- Get-vRAContentData
- Get-vRAContentType
- Get-vRAPackage
- New-vRAPackage
- Remove-vRAPackage
- Export-vRAPackage
- Test-vRAPackage
Creating and exporting packages
now supports the addition multiple content types to a package. In the following example we use Get-vRAContent
to return all property groups and composite blueprints. We then create a new package called Package01 that contains our content and export it to the local file system with Export-vRAPackage
$ContentIds = Get-vRAContent | ? {($_.ContentTypeId -eq "property-group") -or ($_.ContentTypeId -eq "composite-blueprint")} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Id
New-vRAPackage -Name Package01 -ContentId $ContentIds
Export-vRAPackage -Name Package01 -Path C:\MyPackages
Note: This is not a breaking change, so the old functions still exist but are marked as deprecated and will be removed in a future release.